The Gospel for Busy Moms
View the original version by Kristin Chesemore here A Few ideas...
How do busy moms preach the gospel to themselves with the constant demands of caring for young children? How do we find time to meditate on the gospel when we need 45 minutes to do what it takes others 15?
Here are a few suggestions (nothing new here!) but we hope they give you some ways to get started (or re-started)!
Six Ideas for Preaching the Gospel to Yourself (for busy moms)
1. Take 15 minutes a day to read and re-read chapters from books on the gospel. The Discipline of Grace and The Gospel for Real Life by Jerry Bridges, Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die
by John Piper, Living the Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney, and books by Charles Spurgeon
--all are great places to start.
2. Listen to Scripture throughout the day.
3. Listen to sermons online from your local church and biblical teachers. Even if it takes you a week to get through one sermon, you’ll benefit from the little bit you hear each day.
4. Memorize gospel Scriptures and gospel truths.
5. Write one gospel Scripture on a note card and post it where you’ll see it often or carry it in your pocket for review throughout the day.
6. Listen to gospel-centered music.