Our core values

corevalues800x200.001 Real answers - In an age of doubt and confusion we will hold out to people the truth that is found in Christ and His Word.  We have, a clear commitment to the systematic expository preaching of scripture is central to the life of the church.

Real community - In an age of loneliness and broken relationships we will hold out to people the offer of a restored relationship with God and an opportunity to be part of God’s family, the church.  We aim to build a real community with real relationships.

Real transformation - The power of the gospel to transform lives is incredible.  We relish being part of what God is doing transforming people.  We love to seeing those who are dead in sin made alive in Christ and becoming more and more like Jesus.

Real service - Genuine faith in Christ will naturally lead to acts of love and service.  This love and care will, we trust, is a hallmark of our church family as we share our lives together.  We aim also to be a blessing to the wider community of Carlisle.  We pray for the city and aim to demonstrate Christ’s love by serving those in need.

Real hope - In a society where many are losing hope for the future, we have the answer - Jesus Christ.  So in all we do we will point people to Christ.  Jesus is the hope for those without hope.  He is the answer to their most pressing need for he offers forgiveness of sin.  Only Christ can rescue from the consequences of sin and give certain hope in the face of death.  Only Christ can give people a fresh start.